***Cannot guarantee kangaroo orders by Christmas due to limited supply!***
The Topsider Bifold LT Yeoman is the standard LT with an added pen loop. The pen is not indluded. Pen slot will fit up to a pen 4" in length and up to 9mm in diameter. Pen shown is the Big iDesigns mini pen.
Quickdraw option not available on the Kangaroo Topsider LT.
LT Yeoman Kangaroo
Step 1: Choose primary color. Primary color has the "OS" logo.
Step 2: Choose secondary color.
Step 3: Choose thread and Quickdraw OptionThe Topsider Bifold LT is the culmination of everything I've learned about what makes a perfect minimalist wallet. Easy access, tiny pocket presence, a unique aesthetic, fumble-free cash access and stowage; and of course, minimalist without sacrificing capacity.
We've taken the best features of each previous model and put them all here: the silhouette of the Topsider, the single stitch-line of the Houbei, the quick access of the Topsider Quickdraw, and the full-length cash-carry of the Topsider Bifold.